Find out how to improve
your business with AI

Diagnosis of potential AI applications for your business by a team of Artificial Intelligence Researchers & Business Experts with more than 20 years of experience.

Want to improve your business but don't know how?

We can identify which technologies can improve your business and how to incorporate them to increase productivity.


State of the Art

Research & Development

Here at DotProduct we build the bridge that unites state-of-the-art research with a wide variety of business.

From the latest academic papers to your core business. We help you find the last available knowledge and put it in practice for your business.

Don’t have financing?

Do you have a great idea but don’t have the funds to carry it out?

Partner with us

We can invest through partners in new entrepreneurship.

Feasibility studies

We can help you get the best MVP to attract the most suitable investor for your idea.


Our Core Services

Our machine learning services offer advanced algorithms to help organizations in solving key business challenges,
enabling data-driven decision making and creating innovative business models. We create future-ready ML-powered applications by using techniques like pattern recognition, remote sensing, computer vision, nature-inspired algorithms and mathematical optimization.


Remote Sensing

Be there ....without being there. Using cameras, drones or satellite images, processed through computer vision and neural networks technologies, we can help you monitor the state of a crop, diseases, the need of irrigation or recognize passersby in their areas of highest sensitivity.


SEResearch & Development

From the latest academic papers to your core business, we build the bridge that unites state-of-the-art research with a wide variety of business.


Logistics optimization

We can optimize your fleet and single vehicles load and routes, considering all kind of restrictions as size, volume, weight and priority among others.


Data analytics

Analyzing data complements the business intuition every company requires. Using powerful software is not enough. Our Data Scientists can help you detect commercial opportunities related to consumers critical behaviours, loss control, suspicious behaviours, fraud.


Image Classification

Automatically identify and predict whether an object is the one you are looking for. Use this capabilities for early health diagnosis of medical images, detect suspicious items or persons, search for specific products on large amounts of images.


Feasibility studies

Let us help you finding the suitable technology that maximizes the return on investment of your project.